Sensorial and tactile trail an inclusive project for presenting the museum heritage
The intent to make the museum heritage accessible to an ever wider public has led the museum to create a sensorial and tactile trail that is both permanent and inclusive. So much so that the entire collection may also be enjoyed by sight impaired visitors. A museum trail designed for everyone to enrich their visit experience.
Launched in 2014 thanks to a shared project with Marchingegno and the Museo Tattile Statale Omero of Ancona, the trail provides an additional tool for presenting the museum heritage and offers an in-depth analysis of the fresco technique, for an engaging and gratifying multi-sensorial experience.
The trail is commented in Italian and starts from the ground floor with the terracotta bust of Benozzo Gozzoli reproduced on the grounds of the Florentine fresco of Palazzo Medici Riccardi featuring a self-portrait of the painter. It is shown from four different stations and indicated by highly readable enlarged characters. One is dedicated to the artist, another explains the fresco and the sinopia techniques, while yet another is dedicated to the scenes of the Visitazione tabernacle.
On the first floor, another tactile and audio station is dedicated to Madonna della TosseTabernacle, with its relative studies. Each station consists of relief drawings whose contours, volumes and textures stimulate a mental reconstruction of the reality presented in Gozzoli’s frescoes. It is possible to gain access to a two-dimensional reading of the painting and to understand aspects that would otherwise only be possible thanks to a verbal description.
Each relief is provided with a brief caption in high readable characters and in braille, with an audio file of introduction to the artwork and an audio file of tactile exploration.
Each station is complete with a small-scale three-dimensional model of the tabernacle in question with a reproduction of a human figure at its base to evidence and clarify the monumental dimensions of the two painted oratories.
The entire trail can be enjoyed independently or in the company of a guide, subject to prior reservation. The Educational Services also provide guided tactile tours and a presentation of the museum heritage for groups, subject to reservation.