Museums for Alzheimer

With the support of the Region of Tuscany and the Municipal Union, in 2016, the BeGo Museum, together with the Municipality of Castelfiorentino and the Teatro del Popolo foundation, started a good practices training project for local museum operators and geriatric animators to enable the implementation of museum experiences specifically designed for people with Alzheimer and their carers in the MuDEV museums (Museo Diffuso dell'Empolese Valdelsa).

Set up in collaboration with the Animators’ Network of the Empolese-Valdelsa area, the project was launched between 2016 and 2017, and involved 5 local museums and their staff, with the participation of elderly people from the RSAs or family units and geriatric animators, and trained geriatric animators to work in museum ambits with elderly people in fragile conditions.

For 2018, the project promoted by MuDEV and once again supported by the Region of Tuscany and the Municipal Union of the Empolese-Valdelsa area plans to extend its activities to 12 museums and an original experimentation covering 7 libraries belonging to the and Empolese-Valdelsa networks.

The sessions are scheduled to run from January to September 2018. They are open to elderly and fragile people, living in local care facilities with their professional and family carers and to people who still live in the family unit cared for by their close relatives. Participation is free of charge, but reservation is required. The activation of a local network of various associations and the collaboration of the Central Tuscan ASL with the social services, facilitate the participation of elderly people living with their families by providing transport whenever possible and necessary.


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